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Humboldt Falls

Stream Humboldt Creek

Greater watershed Hollyford River → Tasman Sea

Height 275m/902ft according to LINZ

Form Three tiered plunge

Volume Varies between medium-high and absolutely ridiculous

General location Hollyford Valley, border of Fiordland and Mt Aspiring National Parks

Specific location at the end of the Hollyford road/start of the Hollyford Track some 18km from SH94

Trail access The track is clearly signed and leads up about 400m or so to the overlook. If the water level's not insane (i.e. not when I was there), one can also rock-hop up the creek to the base.

Bonus waterfall The side waterfall visible in tandem with the main falls flows year round. If you're doing the rock-hop to the base thing, you can probably hunt around for a better view of it. From the overlook there's not much room to maneuver.


The viewpoint for Humboldt Falls is about a kilometer distant from the falls themselves. Even at that distance, if the water's up, spray from the falls is going to drift into your face. That hopefully gives some idea of the scale of this waterfall. When it's in flood, nothing in New Zealand short of Sutherland Falls can compete. (And this being the Hollyford Valley, which sees 7 meters of rain a year, the chances of seeing it in flood are pretty good. Bring a raincoat.)


Sadly, rain in my case meant very misty conditions, making clear views of the falls difficult. It was easy to appreciate the size of the waterfall thanks to its washing-machine roar and the enormous roostertail at the top of its lowest drop, but above that roostertail, there was only a slightly whiter column than the dirty grey clouds that shrouded it. Only two of the three tiers were visible from any viewpoint, though it didn't detract much from the impression of magnitude; in fact I suspect clearer conditions might have been less dramatic as the sensation that the waterfall was falling directly out of the sky would have been absent.


Somewhat popular as a destination due to its proximity to Gunn's Camp and the well-known Hollyford Track, Humboldt Falls is likely to have a few other visitors; but it's far less busy than the Milford road and offers a short and easy walk (with the option for a longer adventure for those so inclined). For anyone waterfall hunting in the South Island this is a site not to be missed.

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